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Manchins Approval Jumps 4 Points Mcconnell Still Disliked

Manchin's Approval Rating Soars, While McConnell Remains Unpopular

Manchin's Approval Jumps 4 Points, McConnell Still Disliked

Senator Joe Manchin's (D-WV) approval rating has seen a significant boost, rising from 38% in the first quarter of 2023 to 42%, according to a recent poll. The poll also found that while Manchin's approval rating has climbed, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) remains the most unpopular senator in the country, with nearly 3 out of 5 Kentucky voters expressing disapproval.

Manchin's Upswing

Manchin's approval rating has been on a steady climb since April 2022, when it dipped to 34%. The improvement coincides with a decrease in his disapproval rating, which has dropped from 58% to 43%. Testers approval rating has remained relatively stable throughout 2022, while Manchin's rating plummeted after he agreed to support President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act.

Analysts attribute Manchin's recent surge in popularity to his work on the bipartisan infrastructure bill and his moderate stance on various issues.

McConnell's Continued Unpopularity

In contrast to Manchin, McConnell's approval ratings have remained consistently low. The poll found that only 28% of Kentucky voters approve of his performance as senator, while 64% disapprove. McConnell's unpopularity has been attributed to his perceived obstructionism in the Senate and his support for former President Donald Trump.

McConnell's low approval ratings are a sign of the deep divisions in Kentucky, where he remains a popular figure among Republicans but is widely disliked by Democrats.
